Live entertainment of any kind is a luxury here in the upper Zambezi Valley.
“Life is like an ice cream. Enjoy it before it melts.” – Whoever penned this quote clearly never lived in the Zambezi Valley. Forget the ice cream.
If this blistering heat in the Zambezi Valley forces Mikey, our leonine Mastif/St.Bernard, to take refuge in our cool concrete bath at 7.
Edible flowers picked from our garden.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “The earth laughs in flowers.” Last week I not only laughed, I rejoiced.
I knew nothing about A Lovely Blog award until Ema Jones, who writes Food 4 Your Mood, nominated SavannaBel for it last Friday.
Hardly anything fills me more with wonder than witnessing our pomegranate trees change out of winter’s monastic habit into summer’s flamboyant Versace. The metamorphosis is fast and its dramatic.