A Something in a Summer’s Day …

Saucer-sized sunflowers to help attract the pollinators.
A something in a summer’s Day
As slow her flambeaux burn away
Which solemnizes me. 
Our well-upholstered heirloom tomatoes.

The Zambezi River … lifeblood

We live a short distance upstream from the largest curtain of falling water in the world. In high-water season nine million cubic meters cascade over Victoria Falls in a second.

Aloe, Aloe …

The native aloes around our house are in bloom. They only do this once a year. Not only are these scaffolded fire-orange flowers a feast for the eyes, they are a feast for myriad bird species.

Let’s make a plan!

The decoration of our house, the tin box, is to be found outside, not inside. The finger-like evergreen branches of the surrounding teak trees provide us with year-round sun parasols.