Edible flowers picked from our garden.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “The earth laughs in flowers.” Last week I not only laughed, I rejoiced.
Hardly anything fills me more with wonder than witnessing our pomegranate trees change out of winter’s monastic habit into summer’s flamboyant Versace. The metamorphosis is fast and its dramatic.
With sincere apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806 – 1861 …
Tomatoes just picked from the garden.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
Question: What does fragrant Sweet Basil have in common with the Basilisk lizard?
The Basilisk lizard, also known as the Jesus Christ lizard because of its ability to walk on water.
I’ll bet there isn’t a southern African alive who isn’t transported by the fragrant perfume of a ripe guava. For me, it’s a smell of childhood.
I have never even attempted making homemade ravioli despite it being one of my all-time favorite dishes.