When I was young my mother used to sing a song to my brothers and me called, “I’m a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch.
I love rituals and I love symbols. As a seeker I’m always digging around for a sign or a metaphor in books, in nature, in life. I turn often to ancient wisdom and mythology.
Mikey & Gypgyp waiting for our first ever visitors, who had traveled to Livingstone from Denmark in February.
The baobab tree, with its ancient skin and root-like limbs, levitates above our landscape. To me it’s the n’anga of trees. The magical medicine man. The traditional healer.
We make stock all the time, and we use stock all the time. In soups. In stews. In risotto. In quinoa or couscous.
Chris and I have started eating differently.