I was commissioned by the American magazine, The Cook’s Cook, to contribute again, this time to their travel issue, which was published on December 1, 2015.
“As soon as you start the process of drying Nsumo fruit,” Adelina Banda tells me on our drive back from Dambwa market in Livingstone on Wednesday, “it rains.
Ever since I started serving homemade ciabatta bread to my Livingstone friends, they have urged me to teach them how to make it.
One of my little brother’s favorite childhood books was Richard Scarry’s The Adventures of Lowly Worm, a book about an optimistic, one-footed, underpant (not pants)-wearing worm in a Tyrolean hat.
I’ve been waiting just short of a month to publish this post.
Poetic Eggs
by Ezra Pound
I am a grave poetic hen
That lays poetic eggs
And to enhance my temperament
A little quiet begs.
We make the yolk philosophy,
True beauty the albumen.