It was my mother who first made me aware of dulce de leche.
When I cup seeds in the palm of my hand — be they basil seeds the size of pinheads or crimson-splashed lima beans — and really take the time to examine them, I lose myself.
Is there any living thing out there that doesn’t thrive on the benefits of ginger and turmeric? In the garden the plants play host to a profusion of birds, bees, and wasps … the last of which I discovered
I’ve been busy opening a new food production and services company called SavannaBel – Bush Gourmet here in Livingstone, and my first customer happens to be The Elephant Café.
Gluts of fresh food, either straight from the tree or from the mountain in the freezer, are always inspirational when it comes to planning a meal for entertaining.
I believe the real meaning of our existence is to be found in soil … in its alchemy, in its mystery, in its eros. Terra Illuminata. It’s where life begins and it is where life ends.