How do you explain companion planting to a visiting geologist, in other words, “a scientist who studies the solid and liquid matter that constitutes the Earth, as well as the processes and history that have shaped it?�
Karen Blixen wrote in her classic memoir, Out of Africa, “There is a particular happiness in giving a man whom you like very much good food that you have cooked yourself.
I’ve loved the band, Queen, for as long as I can remember.
I was commissioned by the American magazine, The Cook’s Cook, to contribute again, this time to their travel issue, which was published on December 1, 2015.
“As soon as you start the process of drying Nsumo fruit,” Adelina Banda tells me on our drive back from Dambwa market in Livingstone on Wednesday, “it rains.
Ever since I started serving homemade ciabatta bread to my Livingstone friends, they have urged me to teach them how to make it.